Saturday, February 27, 2016

It's time for another update. Once again, I have learned so much in the two weeks since I last updated. In my Life Skills class we learned about Time Management and Information Literacy and Academic Resources. In my Book of Mormon class our scripture block for the two weeks was 2 Nephi 17-33.

For the Time Management lesson, we learned how most of us spend more of our time on things that don't matter and less time on things that matter the most. We leaned the difference between "spending" our time and "investing" our time. When you "invest", you usually receive something of greater value than what you put in. When you "spend", you receive something of lesser value in return for what you put in.

Investing money in an education, a modest house and car, etc, you usually get more value out of it, then what you put into it. When you spend money on extravagant clothing, an overly priced car, a bigger house than you need, the latest and greatest gadgets and gizmos, etc, you are wasting your money on things that you didn't need too. Spending more money than you needed too, usually leave you losing out. You usually don't get your money's worth on these items.

Just like with money, you can "invest" your time, or you can "spend" your time. Investing your time means that you are focusing your time on the things that matter the most to you: family, friends, education, etc.Investing your time on what matters most, will increase their value and you will get more back than what you put in.

 When you "spend" your time, you are focusing your time on things that don't matter and aren't important: TV, video games, when you become a workaholic, leisure activities, etc., you are wasting time on things that don't matter. This will leave you losing all the valuable things you had, and would have had more if you would have given them more of your time and energy.

Here are some quotes from the lesson that I loved:

"The way we spend our time will only change when the way we feel about time changes" Elder Neal A. Maxwell.
This is so true. It is only when we realize how precious and how sacred time is, that we will stop "spending" our time on the things that don't matter, and start "investing" our time on the things that matter most.

"Wise time management is really management of ourselves". President Kimball
The way we spend our time says a lot about who we are and what is important to us. What we spend our time doing and who we spend our time with, is an outward expression of who we are on the inside.

"Procrastination is the thief of self-respect. It nags at us an spoils our fun. It deprives us of the fullest realization of our ambitions and hopes". Elder Ballard
 When we procrastinate something, like a school project that is due in a month, eventually that thing we are procrastinating, will eventually control us instead of you controlling it. For instance, when you put off doing that school project long enough, it is eventually going to have to take top priority in your life, no matter what other obligations or needs you or your family have. You are not going to be able to see your son score the winning home run in his base ball game because you had to stay home to do your project. You aren't going to be able to hear your daughter say her lines (perfectly) in her school play, because you had to miss it because you had to finish your project. You are unable to help a friend in need because you need to work on your project. These situations could have been avoided if you would have gotten on your project right away instead of procrastinating.

For the Information Literacy and Academic Resources lesson, we not only learned about "truth", we learned what are the best resources to find the truth. We first read President Uchtdorf's talk "What is Truth?".  In his talk, he said "The invitation to trust the Lord does not relieve us from the responsibility to know for ourselves. This is more than an opportunity; it is an obligation—and it is one of the reasons we were sent to this earth." This means that we are all required to know for ourselves what is truth. We are expected to seek out truth and to seek out to know if it is true.

Also during the lesson, we watched some videos. One of the videos I like the most was called "Potluck Dinner". The video taught that, just like it would be taboo to show up to a potluck dinner without contributing by bringing something to share, it is not good to come to class without being prepared. If you aren't prepared, then you can't contribute to the discussion. Also it means that others miss out on what you could have contributed if you would have come prepared.

Although this video focused mostly on how important it is to come prepared to class, what really hit me about this video was at the very end when it said "Don't Hold Back! Share Your Dish".
I, along with my sister and some of her in-laws, have a "Scripture Study" discussion board, where we discuss insights into what we are learning in our various scripture readings and studies. Although I check it several times a day to see what others are saying, I don't participate in the discussions as much as I should. I don't participate in the discussion because I feel like my comments aren't "good enough" or aren't "significant" enough to contribute to or enhance the discussion. I feel this way because, although other peoples comments were getting a lot of feedback, my posts were hardly getting any. 
Seeing that quote at the end of the video, made me realize that my comments are good enough and that they are significant, and they do add to the conversation. Even though I am not getting the feedback that others are getting, my comments are still contributing, no matter how small and insignificant they may  appear to me, they might be just what someone else needs to hear, whether they comment on it or not. It's not the feedback, but the contribution that matters. My voice deserves to be heard. My voice NEEDS to be heard.
Another video I loved was called "Above All Else".  The words of President Uchtdorf were very powerful. In an earlier lesson we were taught how important it was to add faith to our studying. When President Uchtdorf quoted D&C 88:118, "seek learning, even by study and also by faith", the Spirit really emphasized to me how important faith is to our studies. Sometimes when people study, they get stressed because they think that it's all on them. They think that they have to remember everything. They think that when a test comes, that they are all on their own. 
We need to remember that If we attended all our classes and came prepared ahead of time...if we studied...if we completed all assignments and and readings...if we have done all that we can do, we are PROMISED that we will receive help and guidance from the Holy Ghost. We need to have faith, that when the test comes, the Spirit will be there to "bring all things to your remembrance". We need to have faith that we are not on our own.
Like I said before, for my Book of Mormon class we studied 2 Nephi 17-33. A lot of these chapters were teachings from Isaiah. Although I tried my very best, I had a hard time understanding them. But I still learned a lot from studying these chapters and watching the videos that tied into what I was studying.
In his talk, "A Defense and a Refuge", President Packer said, "It was not what they (the pioneers) possessed that gave them strength, but what they knew". The pioneers walked over 1,000 miles to get to the Salt Lake Valley, and their possessions consisted of only what they could carry. They all left practically everything that they had, and some, even left everyone that they had. They left everything behind because they knew that they were doing what they were suppose to be doing. They knew that this was the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like the pioneers, it's the knowledge that we posses, that will give us strength to endure during times of trial and heartache.

In 2Nephi 21: 2-4, it says "And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge...He shall not judge after the sight of the eyes , neither reprove after the hearing of His ears. But with righteousness shall He judge...And righteousness shall be the girdle of His loins, and faithfulness the girdle of His reins".  This gives me a lot of comfort because these verses are saying that He isn't going to judge me how others are going to judge me. Some people judge others based on what they look like, or what they say, ect. But Christ doesn't judge after the manner of men. His judgments are righteous. He is going to judge with compassion and love. He is going to judge with kindness and understanding. He understands because He's been where we are. He knows what we went through.

In 2Nephi 29, it talks about why we need the Book of Mormon when we already have a Bible. Some of the reasons include:
-The Book of Mormon is a testimony that Heavenly Father remembers all of His children.
-The Book of Mormon shows that Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today and forever.
-The Bible doesn't contain all of His words because parts were taken out, truths were lost and misinterpreted.
-Heavenly Father commands all of His children to write the words He speaks.
-The Book of Mormon is another witness that He loves all of His children and that none are lost unto Him.
-We are going to be judged out of these books.
-The Book of Mormon is another witness of Him. "Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established".
-His work isn't complete and won't be complete until the end of man.
-The Book of Mormon will show all those who fight against Zion, that He is God.
-The Bible was written for God's ancient covenant people. The Book of Mormon was written for OUR DAY. The writers of the Book of Mormon saw the world we would be living in TODAY. They were commanded to write the things that would "be of worth" to US.
-EVERY word, in the Book of Mormon is there for a reason.

It is getting late right now. I will come back and update this post some more. I hope you enjoy it. Bye for now. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hello Everyone,

It's been 2 weeks since the last update, which, of course means this post will probably be another long one since I'll be telling you what I have learned in that time. In my Life Skills class, I learned about academic planning and career exploration, decision making and goal setting. In my Book of Mormon class, I studied 2 Nephi 1-16.

When I noticed that the lesson for my Life Skills class was about academic planning and career exploration, I was both nervous and excited. I was nervous because it was a lesson that was basically asking you "What do you want to be when you grow up"? I was nervous about that question because I had been asking myself the same question for years now, and had not come up with an answer. Well, not entirely true...I knew what I wanted to be, it's just that what I wanted, wasn't an option. So, I had to think of what else I wanted to do. Unfortunately, I had no answer. I would spend hours looking at various careers, but not really finding anything that interested me.

Although I was nervous, I was also excited. Maybe this lesson would help me find an answer. Maybe this lesson would give me ideas on what I might be good at. Maybe this lesson would give me direction and guidance. Maybe I would finally know what I wanted to be.

As I was skimming the lesson, I realized that it involved taking an interest profiler test. This made me nervous again. As I have been looking for careers that might interest me, I have taken many different types of these tests. All of them ended up telling me that I would make a great teacher or therapists/counselor. Although all the tests said that I would be great at those careers, I just wasn't interested in either of them. What if this test told me the same thing? What if, like all of the other tests I ever took, this test also said "teacher" and/or "therapist/counselor"? What would I do then? Would I just give up and go into one of those careers, a career that I was not interested in? But, maybe, just maybe, this test will be different? Maybe this test will give me more options then just the two that all the other tests gave me? Maybe this test will give me the direction I need? Maybe after this test, I will have the answer to a question I had been asking myself for years? Maybe?

The time came to take the O*Net Online Interest Profiler. The test listed 60 various activities and you had to say how interested in that activity you were. You had to answer the questions without thinking. After answering all the questions, you received scores in 6 categories based on your answers and personality. The categories are: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

Those with Realistic personalities are practical and like hands-on problems and answers. Investigative personalities like to investigate and they like working with ideas and thinking. Artistic personalities like being creative and being allowed to be "free". Social personalities like working with others. Enterprising personalities like working in business'. Conventional personalities like procedures and routines. The test said that my two biggest personality traits were Artistic and Social. This wasn't a surprise to me because I love being creative and being around others.

After receiving your scores in each of the personalities, it gave you "Job Zones". Job Zones let you know what level of education and prior experience you need in order to get a job in a field you were interested in. After Job Zones, the test gave you a long list of careers for each personality. Some of the possible careers for Artistic personalities include: dancers, photographer, self enrichment teacher, makeup artists, nanny, film and video editor, architect,  art director, multimedia artists, music director, reporter/correspondent, video game designer, anthropologist and   astronaut. Some of the careers it listed for Social personality include: concierge, fitness trainer, nanny, residential advisory, tutor, criminal justice, engineer, forest and conservation, librarian, and social worker.

After taking the test and reviewing the answers, I explored the careers from the list. After awhile, I decided that I wanted to study American Studies (US History) at BYU-Provo. I love studying US history and it was one of my favorite subjects in school. I still don't know what career to go into, but a History degree opens up many options for me. I am so excited that now I have a direction. Now, I just have to be accepted into BYU.

At Gathering that week, we talked about our character traits. One of the things that was said that really struck me was "Our traits and talents are the same traits and talents that our Heavenly Father has. Our talents and traits are pieces of Himself that He has given to us". I never thought about that. I knew that traits and talents are gifts from Heavenly Father, but I never thought about them being pieces of Himself.

This week in Life Skills we studied about Decision Making and Goal Setting. This was another lesson I really need too. I am horrible at making decisions and setting goals. This lesson talked about using our agency to make correct choices. In the April 2004 General Conference, President Faust said "Tomorrow's blessings and opportunities depend on the choices we make today". Many of the choices we make today, not only effect the "here and now", but they also have an effect on our future. And not just our future, but can effect the future of those around us.

In the Preach My Gospel manual, it states "Goals reflect the desires of our hearts and our vision of what we can accomplish. Through goals and plans, our hopes are transformed into action. Goal setting and planning are acts of faith". Goals are the outward expression of what we want on the inside. The desires of our hearts are our destinations and goals are the pathway we take to get to the destination.

In "Leadership for Saints", Roger Dunkin and Ed Pinegar said, "The best goals are S.M.A.R.T. goals. S.M.A.R.T. stands for the five characteristics of well-designed goals".
Specific-What will be the specific result of your goal? What are the specific steps needed to achieve it? Does it sound vague or too general in any way?
Measurable- Do you have a way to measure your progress? When will you review your progress?
Attainable- Will you be able to achieve this goal? What are the reasons you believe you can accomplish this goal? Have you talked with someone who has accomplished this goal or a similar goal?
Relevant- Does this goal fit in with your larger goals and your eternal purpose?
Time-Bound- Do you have a specific date this goal should be achieved? Is there a time frame that you will work in to accomplish this goal?

In my Book of Mormon class, the last two weeks we studied 2 Nephi 1-16. There are a lot of teachings and lessons in these chapters. Some of the lessons and teachings include: this is a choice and promised land, we are free to make our own choices, but there are consequences for every choice, and the Atonement.

As I have been studying the last few weeks, I have come across many scriptures that I like and have gained many insights. Here are a few of them:

-My new favorite scripture that I came across is Habakkuk 2:3-4- "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it: because it will surely come, it will not tarry...the just shall live by his faith".  This reminds me of Neil A. Maxwell's quote "Faith in God includes faith in His timing".  Sometimes we may think that the blessings we want most in the world, will never come. But if we remain faithful and continue to have faith in Him, then the blessings WILL come. They may or may not come in this lifetime, but they WILL come. It gives me hope that someday I will receive the desires of my heart. I just have to have faith in Him and His timing.

-2 Nephi 1:21,23- "...arise from the dust...and be determined in one mind and in one heart, united in all things...awake...put on the armor of righteousness. Shake off the chains with which you are bound, and come forth out of obscurity, and arise from the dust". To me these verses sound like a battle cry. A cry to take a stand for righteousness. A cry to be steadfast and unmovable.

-2 Nephi 9: 20- "O how great the holiness of our God! For He knoweth all things and there is not anything save He knows it". It is so comforting to know that our Heavenly Father knows EVERYTHING. Because He knows everything, we can turn to Him for EVERYTHING. He will lead us and guide us to safety.

-2 Nephi 9:39- "...Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal". The SMILE scripture. I was first introduced to the SMILE scripture by my trainer on my mission. I have loved it ever since. It is so true. When your mind is on the spiritual things of life, then you will really will SMILE because you will be focusing on the bigger picture and not just what is here and now.

  -2Nephi 9:21- "...He suffereth the pains...of every creature, both men women and children..." In order for Him to have had  to suffer the pains of everone, He needed to have KNOWN us...intimately.  He would have had to KNOW EVERYTHING about us. No one else on Earth KNOWS us better than He does. He knows us better than our own parents, siblings, best friends, and even better than we know ourselves.

In President Packer's talk "Do Not Fear", he talks about trials. One thing he said was "This testing (our trials) is the source of our strength". I never thought about that. I never thought that my strength is because of the trials I have overcome. It is true. We do not become strong when things are easy. We only become stronger, as we press forward in our adversities.

These are just a small number of things I have learned over the last few weeks. I hope you learned something too.